Friday, January 23, 2015

2015 Calendar Now Available

I finally put together a calendar of some of my most classic poses, for a 2015 calendar.  I did not compete that many years in the art form of bodybuilding, but when I got in contest shape, I literally took hundreds, if not thousands of photos the day of the show, and the weeks leading up to one, and after.  I have to say that the ones I like the most are just before and after the shows.  They are more sexy and erotic, showing just enough definition and separation.  Some of the best photographers are Pat Berrett, Eddie DeLuca, and a few more.  I am trying to sort out a way to archive them, as they are all on CD-roms and DVDs, and some of them are starting to get corrupted, and the data is getting lost on them.  I will most likely transfer all the data onto a hard drive.  This is going to be one massive project, but it needs to be done to preserve the integrity of the photos.  All media deteriorates over time, discs, hard drives, etc.  So, it is also important that I actually print out the best of the best.  This is one of the reasons why I am working on offering posters, fine art prints, canvas prints, and calendars to anyone that desires them.  Most of these photos have never been seen before.  This will be a great project to reinvent the website.  If you would like to order a calendar, please email me at  They are priced at $24.99 plus shipping and handling, and you may purchase them via at the same email address.  

May all your hope and dreams come true in 2015! 
The Goddess of Fetish
Amber DeLuca

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